Graphic Designer - In-House Social

In-House Social is hiring a Graphic Designer. We are an expanding digital marketing company that offers our clients top social media management and content curation. From creating videos and photos to marketing logistics, we are a one stop shop for any size growing business. We bridge the gap between business and personal by using social media to connect with the community. Becoming part of our team will help expand your portfolio and knowledge.

This a full-time job with multiple clients that sometimes require fast turn-around dates. This is a hybrid job with remote work and occasional team meetings. Salary pay or per project is negotiable.

Office is located at We Work Building 609 Main Street.

A work IPhone will all be provided. A short training will be required to begin work. Everything we do is on IPhones or computers, so you must be able to navigate through multiple platforms that we use. If familiar with Final Cut Pro X or similar programs, that is a plus.

Job Description

  • Assist social media manager and video editor on content

  • Create but not limited to social media graphics, product collateral, and promo advertisement

  • Keep up-to-date with latest digital technologies and applications

  • Design graphics to clients’ brand expectations

  • Turn over projects by due dates

  • Have a good work ethic


  • State ID, Driver’s License, or Passport

  • Have reliable transportation

  • Related work experience

  • Be available weekends

 How to Apply

Interested students should email the following to

  • Resume

  • Cover Letter

  • Work Samples

  • Availability


Fort Worth Report Summer Fellowship


Social Media Manager - In-House Social