Frequently asked questions
Comm 4392
This class is designed for students interested in working in an approved internship in order to receive three hours academic credit. The program provides a learning experience the student would not receive in the university classroom as well as an opportunity to apply university training in a professional environment.
Students work 150 hours per semester and receive course credit in an approved internship that must align with their major and be approved by the instructor of record. Students receive help from the Valenti School in finding a suitable internship but are responsible for securing the position with the employer. The internship should allow students to apply what they have learned in courses previously taken in their major. The instructor oversees and monitors the student’s internship.
Students will be required to complete several assignments for the class. All assignments will be posted through Canvas. Students will receive a syllabus upon enrollment.
Course Prerequisites
Students wishing to enroll in Comm 4392 must first meet the following requirements:
Must be a junior or senior level communication major in good standing.
Transfer students must have completed at least one full-time semester of academic work at the University of Houston.
Course Registration
Please complete the form at the bottom of this page. Upon completion, the professor will reach out to you with a registration code for the class.
Finding an Internship
Students must find their own internships and are encouraged to visit our experiential learning hub Experience Valenti or to make an appointment with our Internship Program Manager, Kristina Werner, for further assistance.
During your search, keep in mind that the following criteria must be met:
Student interns must complete 150 hours per semester, under the supervision of someone with a communications background/degree.
Student interns must spend at least 75% of time on communication-related activities with no more than 25% of their time spent on administrative activities.
Intern supervisors MUST complete an Employer Agreement with the intern at the beginning of the semester as well as a final performance evaluation at the end of the semester.
No Retroactive Credit
To receive credit for an internship, students must be enrolled in the internship course and an internship simultaneously. No credit may be given retroactively for internship work in the past that is now finished.